
Styles keep a changin' 風格不斷轉變
The world's re-arrangin' 世界日新月異
But Edna, you're timeless to me 但是 艾蓮娜 你在我心中 永恆不變
Hemlines are shorter 裙子越來越短
A beer costs a quarter 一瓶啤酒要25分
But time cannot take what comes free 但是時間拿不走免費得來的東西
You're like a stinky old cheese, babe 你像是陳年臭起司 寶貝
Just gettin' riper with age 隨著年齡的增長越來越成熟
You're like a fatal disease, babe 你像是致命的疾病 寶貝
But there's no cure 但是卻無藥可治
So let this fever rage 所以就讓它狂熱燒下去吧
Some folks can't stand it 有些人不能忍受
Say time is a bandit 認為時間是強盜
But i take the opposite view 但是我卻不這麼想
Cause when i need a lift 因為當我需要振奮的時候
Time brings a gift 時間帶來了禮物
Another day with you 那就是和你相處多一天
A twist or a waltz 扭腰舞或者華爾茲
It's all the same schmaltz 都是感傷的音樂
With just a change in the scenery 只不過地點不同
You'll never be old hat 你永遠都不會年華逝去
That's that! 就像這樣
You're timeless to me 你在我心中 永遠年輕
Oh, Wilbur!
Fads keep a-fadin' 流行開始褪色
Castro's invading! 卡斯特羅在侵略
But wilbur, you're timeless to me 但是威爾伯 你永遠都不會年華逝去
Hairdos are higher 髮型越弄越高
Mine feels like barbed wire 我的簡直像堆天線
But you say i'm chic as can be! 你卻說我獨特至極
You're like a rare vintage ripple 你像是陳年葡萄酒
A vintage they'll never forget 他們永遠不會忘記的葡萄酒
So pour me a teeny weenie triple 給我倒小小的三杯
And we can toast the fact we ain't dead yet! 我們要慶祝我們還活著這事實
I can't stop eating 我的嘴一直都沒停下
Your hairline's receding 你的頭髮線不停後退
Soon there'll be nothing at all 馬上就會空無一物了
So, you'll wear a wig 所以你會帶假髮
While i roast a pig 而我烤乳豬
Hey! Pass that geritol 嘿 請遞給我Geritol (60年代美國流行的營養補充劑)
Glenn miller had class 格倫•米勒是經典人物(爵士樂大師)恰比•切克紅極一時(美國搖滾樂歌手)
That chubby checker's a gas 但是他們最終都離開了
But they all pass eventually 你永遠都不會離開的 來歡呼!
You'll never be passe 在我心中 你永恆不變
Hip hooray!
You're timeless to me
(They dance.)
You're like a broken down chevy 你就像一輛破舊的雪佛蘭
All you need is a fresh coat of paint 我需要的是塗上新漆
And Edna, you got me goin' hot and heavy 艾蓮娜 你挑逗得我不能自己
You're fat and old, but baby, boring you ain't! 你又胖又老 但是寶貝 你從不讓人生悶
Some folks don't get it 有些人不能理解
But we never fret it 但我們從不感到煩躁
'Cause we know that time is our friend 因為我們知道時間是我們的朋友
It's plain to see 是的 輕易就看出
That you're stuck with me 你和我永遠在一起
Until the bitter end 直到海枯石爛
And we got a kid 而且我們有個孩子
Who's blowin' the lid Off the turnblad family tree 她發揚光大我們特布萊德家族
You'll always hit the spot 你總是恰到好處
Big shot! 大人物
You're timeless to me 在我心中 你永恆不變
You'll always be du jour 你總是極受歡迎
Mon amour 我的愛人
You're timeless to me 在我心中 你永恆不變
You'll always be first string 你總是如此傑出
Ring-a-ding-ding! 鈴 叮叮
You're timeless to me 在我心中 你永恆不變
You're timeless to me
You're timeless to me
You're timeless to me!!

平淡的外表濃濃的內在 好喜歡這首歌 好喜歡
不嫌棄我 愛著我的每一分改變~


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